

Monday, June 30, 2008

Mail Call / Gifts from Japan

Look what came in the mail today! I hope you can see how beautiful this is....the purple is my favorite, who wouldda thunk that?

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Cheese making in NY / Emily and her son!

Back from Cooperstown!!

My picture taking is sorely lacking, but you get the general idea here anyway....

Friday, June 27, 2008

Showing off my class project!

Sorry but I am proud of my class participating in this project!

Monday, June 16, 2008

The new rage: Baskets and bags made from Newspapers

I was walking around Emily's store and came across these baskets made from newspaper. I am not sure how well you can see them, but they seem cool and easy to make! Check them out!

My very first knitting project and Emily's first pair of socks

When Emily was having her baby, I was bound and determined to knit her something. This was the very first project I ever completed, of course, I had to have my mother's help some. As I look at it, I doubt that I did the buttons. I do remember telling my mother, she cant knit on it because I so wanted it to come from me!

Unbelievable, this is Emily's very first try at knitting socks!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Who the hell is Emily???? and why is she on OUR blog!!!

Emily before

Emily after

This is why Emily is on OUR blog!

These are her primitive rug hookings....yes, Emily is a hooker!!!

She felts down old wool clothing, then cuts them into strips and HOOKs the strips (with a crochet hook) into Linen. But what she doesnt tell anyone, is that these are all her original designs. I think Jane might like this!!!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Goats and garlic / Oneonta NY

Emily and her husband recently bought a Health Food Store and these are the curtains Em made. I just love the fabric and we are going fabric shopping soon. Yipee!!!

These pictures dont them justice! The fabric is: carrots, bananas, potatoes, limes, apples, grapes and tomatoes! Be on the look out for them in NC.

Here is Emily and Buddy making goat cheese! Yum!!!!! Came out delicious! I think Buddy thinks so too!

Some of Emily's flowers! Just beautiful! This is what we look at when we sit out with our morning coffee!

Where in the world is Suzanne???

Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Speed Limit / I got my first senior citizen discount today!!!

Oh boy girls, today was a big day for me. I went into Winston Salem to see Sex in the City and the movies price was a lot so I pulled out my AARP card and got a whopping discount of 50 cents, yes that's right, you too at the speed limit age can get a 50 cent discount at the movies.

Also, Sex in the City......this is so us!!! The four of us are Charlotte, Miranda, Carrie, and Samantha. We have the friendship they have only lacking their hard bodies. lol I dont know if you ever watched the TV show, but I got addicted to it. Now i know why, its not the sex part, its the friendship and the city stuff. And boy, girls, look at me now.

This aging thing hasnt been fun, but things like this and friends like you guys, sure makes things easy. Especially when we can share our horror stories and still love each other afterwards.

Oh by the way, Samantha in the movie: started reading THE SECRET!!! I laughed my ass off because for those of you who dont know the show, she was the one who had sex with a differnt man in every episode.

love you guys!
