

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Brown Monochromatic: March 2011

I am calling this the "Ex husband quilt". He is turning 60 in May and both our children will be here (one lives in Japan) for it. I offered it to them, for his birthday gift.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Design Wall

15 minutes Play!!!

15 minutes Play!

I read a ton of blogs for inspiration. I stumbled across this blog last week and it called to me! The Blog is called 15 minutes Play! And here is the quote of how she saw her blog. "The basis of this site is using my 15 MINUTES block, by making fabric from scraps,and or using found pieces and orphans,trying new things, and exploring ourselves!"

I have been tossing premise of her blog around in my head for a week and today I played! Thank you for you blog!

This is what I came up with!

With that said: I am invited to a baby shower today!

This is her gift! A knitted baby blanket and a drawstring bag that I made.

Five Years Ago

Five years ago, I move from the city of Charlotte NC, population in 2010 731,000 to a smaller county about 1 1/2 hours away. The population for the County I live in is 67,000 in 2010. The County is one of the largest county in the state, area wise but not population wise. The town I live in has 4000 people. I say this because after 5 years, I feel like I have made friends, developed better hobbies and know a lot of people especially for being a Long Island girl in small town North Carolina.

I am helping one of my new friends with her small wedding that we are doing a lot of the cooking for. Well, yesterday was practice cooking day. We were to make Raspberry eclairs and chocolate eclairs.

Our first batch was a dud so we tried again and decided to follow ALL the directions. The second batch came out really good. Then we moved on the the Chocolate Eclairs which used a different recipe and this one was even easier and better. So she decided we will make just that recipe for her wedding.

Here are a few pictures of our crazy cooking. The friend, Jenny, has been quilting most of her life and knows so much. After the wedding she is going to help me make a surprise gift for Melanie's birthday/graduation. Thanks so much Jenny!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Finishing Something...

I know I procrastinate! I have a baby shower to go to Sunday at 4pm. Today is Monday and I am partially finished.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Design Wall: Donation Quilt

I am a member of Wilkes County Quilt Guild

Every year as a group we make quilts for the children at Ebnezer's Children's Home

Stipling/ Leah Day Designs

I went to a workshop yesterday where we learned (thru DVDs) how to do Stipling. I had never heard of it. It is a type of free motion quilting where the stitches never touch.

Here is a video of Leah Day's Stipling

And a photo of my first attempt to stiple.

Friday, March 18, 2011

This moment...

A Friday ritual, a single photo, no words- capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. -Soulemama

So glad my son and daughter are safe. They were in Tokyo March 11.

Monday, March 14, 2011

New York, New's a wonderful town

Japanese Fabric

Those close to me know that both of my children were in Tokyo during the devastating earthquake. They were shaken up pretty good but safe. Melanie was visiting her brother during her spring break and is now home safely. Eric is still living in Japan and tells me he is safe. I talked to him on skype and feel good about seeing him.

Melanie brought fabric home from Japan. I always love getting fabric but from Japan is even better.

I think the pictures aren't good but here they are.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

5K #2- 8 more to go!

Ran this morning at the speedway. I have to say, I have never been to the track in all the time we have lived here, just never had the desire. Well, it was two laps around it, then a short jaunt down an off ramp and it was the 5K. No chicken bone throwing drunk fans, just lots of happy people and a beautiful Carolina blue sky.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ruthie's Spring Birthday Bag

This moment

A Friday (this time Saturday) ritual...a single photo-no words-capturing a moment from the week.